According to the U.S. Census, Hispanic babies now account for more than 25 percent of births, increasing the need for Hispanic moms to have access to Spanish-language resources to help them make an informed decision about what is best for the nutrition of their babies and families.
Similac is trying to meet that resource need with the launch of StrongMoms Español, a free program that provides Hispanic moms with relevant, Spanish-language resources from the beginning of their pregnancy through baby’s first year to help give their babies a great nutritional start.
Moms who enroll in the program will receive weekly emails about baby’s development, prenatal nutrition and infant nutrition, including breastfeeding, supplementing and formula-feeding, as well as product samples and coupons. Moms can also access additional resources on a newly redesigned, Spanish-language website from Similac.
To promote the availability of the StrongMoms Español resources, Similac partnered with the National Association of Hispanic Nurses to host educational events with expert speakers, such as registered dietitian Claudia Gonzalez, a well-regarded nutrition expert, and NAHN nurses. Speakers at the events will discuss the latest information on relevant parenting topics such as prenatal nutrition, infant nutrition and maternal empowerment.
"Our members witness firsthand every day how many U.S. Hispanic women face motherhood without receiving credible information on the options available to feed their babies," said Jose Alejandro, Ph.D., MBA, RN-BC, CCM, FACHE, President of NAHN. "Hispanic moms give birth to more than one out of four babies in the U.S., yet few comprehensive Spanish-language resources exist to help educate them about infant feeding and nutrition. Increasing awareness of how to gain access to these resources is critical."
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